Circus Kids
At-Home Circus Workshops
Every Monday, 10am (on Facebook)
Just for your little circus stars! Join Emily for a circus adventure, creating fun activites you can do with items around your house.
The next Circus Kids video will air live on the Ruccis Facebook page on Monday 24 August at 10am.
or check back here later on Monday.
See more videos:
Hula Hoop tricks!
Oops, we got cut off at the start! But Emily has lots of fun hula hoop tricks you can try at home
Mon 17 August
Sock poi skills!
Grab your long socks- We’re trying some spinning skills!
Mon 10 August
Tricks with Tea Towels
Can you pretend to be an alien? Plus lots of throws, catches and spins with our tea towel!
Mon 3 August
Silly games and sock fun
Work on 2 and 3 ball juggling – pretty tricky! But there’s lots of fun things to try with 1 ball too.
Mon 27 July
Tricky hula hoop skills
We stepped up the skills a bit today, but there’s still some for beginners or little ones too.
Mon 20 July
Practising our sock tricks
You guys are pros at this now!
Mon 22 June
Dinosaur shapes and sock tricks!
Rarrr! Let’s have some fun!
Mon 15 June
Just socks!
Grab your two pairs of rolled up socks, and a pair of long socks to join in the fun!
Mon 8 June
Hula hoops and socks!
Hula hoops and sock tricks! Let’s go!
Mon 1 June
Poi for kids
You’ll need two long socks, with a rolled up pair of socks in the end, and you have your very own set of poi to play with in Emily’s workshop
Mon 25 May
Silly tricks with tea towels
Bring in the washing and grab two tea towels to join in a fun workshop with Emily!
Mon 18 May
Devils sticks and socks!
Grab your rolled up pair of socks again and we’re going to work on our balance, finishing off with some fancy devil stick tricks.
Mon 11 May
Hula hoops and more sock fun!
Let’s try spinning, jumping and rolling with our hula hoops. If you don’t have a hoop, we start off with our fun sock tricks.
Mon 4 May
Tricks with socks!
Grab a small pair of socks, as well as a long pair of socks, and you have everything you need for juggling balls and poi to play with at home!
Mon 27 Apr
Fun with tea towels!
Tea towels are a bit like juggling scarves, so let’s try twirling, throwing and catching our tea towels in fun ways!
Mon 20 Apr

Strength & Conditioning

Circus Fun

At Home Workshops
Help us through our closure
We love sharing the joy of circus, and we hate not being able to do that face to face at our Bayswater North HQ. So we will continue to run online workshops and events to get you moving, support your health and wellbeing, and entertain both big and little kids! While we want these to be accessible for the community, any support you can offer while our doors are closed will be greatly appreciated.
or donate via bank transfer:
BSB: 083 419
Acc: 763 671 451