The following information was sent to everyone on the Ruccis mailing list on 14 March 2020.
It’s a funny ol’ time in the world (don’t worry, Ruccis has enough toilet paper) and we want all students and families to feel comfortable and safe at Ruccis. All Ruccis classes will be running as normal, but we’re putting a few precautions in place and need your help.

If you’re sick, stay home
This is any time, but now more than ever. This includes siblings that may have normally come to watch. Make-up lessons are always available.

Wash your hands before and after class
Coaches will be asking all students to do this before and after their classes. There is soap in both bathrooms and the kitchen.

Use hand sanitiser
We have this on the front desk for everyone to use.

Find alternatives to hugs and handshakes
We know you love our coaches and your friends but a friendly hello is enough 🙂

Cleaning Aerial equipment
We can’t exactly throw the tissus and trapezes in the washing machine every day, so we have antibacterial spray to use on these after each class.

Cleaning Manipulation equipment
Things like juggling balls, devil sticks and hula hoops that are used in a class will be kept seperate for cleaning at the end of the day.

General cleaning
We will do our best to wipe down surfaces and spaces that are used regularly by multiple people, including the toys in the foyer. But sorry, no more squishy toys for now 🙁
Please think of others, our coaches and your families, and keep on circus-ing!