Hopefully you have now seen that Ruccis is opening back up for classes! Yay!!
We’re running a Welcome Week from Monday 9 – Sunday 15 November so you can pop in and say hi with all casual classes for a week, then Term 4 starts on Monday 16 November, running for 5 weeks.
Bookings for these classes open at 7pm Sunday 1 November.
We know you have a bunch of questions regarding cleaning and social distance, class capacities, payments from previous terms and heaps more, so we’ve compiled some Frequently Asked Questions below that we hope will help.
What we’re doing:

- Planning classes to accommodate social distancing and safe practices
- Cleaning equipment between classes
- Extra cleaning of high touch areas throughout the day
- Keeping records for contact tracing
- Monitoring classes and procedures and keeping you up to date with any changes. It’s all new for us too!
What we need you to do:

- Make sure you are feeling well before coming to class
- Bring your own full drink bottle
- Drop off your students and not stay to watch, where possible
- Check in at the front desk before entering the training space
- Wash your hands in the foyer before entering the training space
- Sign in for contact-tracing purposes if you will be in the building for 15 minutes or more
- Maintain social distancing measures of 1.5 metres
- Listen to your coaches and follow procedures around equipment usage and social distancing
- Be patient and listen to your body – it’s been a long time between classes!
FAQs for Term 4
The class I used to do isn’t on the timetable. What should I do?
Due to strict number caps on participants, we’re unable to fit in all our usual classes for Term 4. We have tried our best to accommodate as many students as possible and we’re hopeful to have our full timetable for Term 1. In the meantime, if there is a class that is just outside of your age range that would be the most convenient for you, send us an email and we may be able to squeeze you in. Otherwise you can use our Welcome Week to try something new!
How many people can you have in each class?
In line with DHHS information, we can have up to 20 people in the building at a time, but only 10 per space, or class. To allow for class crossovers times, we have capped the classes at the following:
- All aerial classes will be capped at 6 students
- Circus Buddies will be capped at 5 students (one big and one little buddy = 1 ‘student’)
- Preschool Circus will be capped at 8 students (+ one parent per student)
- All other classes will be capped at 10 students.
Will I need to wear a mask?
Yes, students 12 years and older will need to wear a mask to class unless you have a medical exemption. Doctor certificates can be emailed to us before class. During class, your mask will need to be worn at all time unless during strenuous exertion. Coaches will also be wearing masks.
We recommend, if you’re able, to have a mask that can tie at the back, or has elastic, so it can stay around you neck if you do need to take it off.
What should I do if I’m sick?
If you are showing any cold and flu like symptoms, you should not come in. We can offer a refund or roll over your payment to another term if you have to miss class. If you are sick, you should get a Covid test, and if you test positive for Covid-19, you should follow the all the advice, including contact tracing advise, of your doctor.
Will there be shared equipment in classes?
Equipment will not be shared during class and will be cleaned after each session. This includes tissus and trapezes. We’re lucky to have a decent amount of equipment and aerial points that no one should miss out on their favourites.
What extra measure are being taken to keep the space clean?
We will be doing a lot of extra cleaning, just as we were before closing back in March. We will operate with the roller doors open and fans running for more air flow (yay spring and summer!) Equipment, including tissus and trapezes, is cleaned using a recommended isopropyl alcohol formula. Everyone entering the building will be washing their hands with soap upon entry and have access to hand sanitiser. High touch surfaces will be cleaned regularly throughout the day.
How will social distancing work in classes?
We thankfully have a large building with small class numbers so will be able to practice social distancing. We will mark spaces in the manipulation area as guides, and our aerial points are over 1.5 metres apart. We are planning our classes to avoid physical touching and anything that requires direct spotting, but student safety is priority and if we can see that a student is in danger of falling or hurting themselves we will of course step in.
What are you doing for contact tracing?
For students, we will have a roll for each class, that will be marked off as students arrive. Anyone else entering the building for more than 15 minutes (particularly parents and coaches) will need to sign in using the ipad form at the front desk.
Can I stay to watch my student in class?
Unfortunately for this term, we need to ask you to drop off your students so that we don’t go over capacity. If you have a reason to stay we kindly ask that you let us know before class and we will try to accommodate where we can.
I paid for a term of classes in Term 2 or 3. Can I use the credited amount for Term 4?
Yes, your credits can be applied to Term 4, but not to the Welcome Week classes. As Term 4 is a shorter term, you have the option to rollover the remaining credit into next year, or have the remaining amount refunded. More information will be emailed to you if you currently have a credit.
Are you accepting Come & Tries this term?
Due to our small class capacities, we won’t be taking Come & Try bookings this term. However, new students are still more than welcome! You can book a class in our Welcome Week as a way to trial the class, and still enrol into the term classes.
Are you running birthday parties?
Yes! You can book a birthday party on Saturday and Sunday afternoons, but will have a limit of 18 people, including all spectating parents or friends. We recommend 8 to 10 participants for a fun party than can still have social distance. If you have more than 10 participants, they will have to be seperated into two groups, according to DHHS guidelines. To make a booking or for more info, you can check our website and send us an email.
Are you running Open Space sessions?
Yes, soon! We will need to monitor bookings and see where we have space, so will share a training schedule for Welcome Week and Term 4 a little close to those dates on the Ruccis Training Facebook group. If you haven’t joined the Facebook group you can email us for more information. Open Space is $10 per session.
There will be a separate space for open training, and you will be required to social distance, clean your equipment and not share equipment.
Can I still purchase equipment or Tshirts?
Yes! We are still stocked up with circus gear that you can purchase in the foyer.