Latest Lockdown Update

Ruccis is opening! We are so excited to announce that Ruccis will be re-opening on Monday the 8th of November with our full timetable! It’s been a long time coming. More infor will be released soon. We are not taking bookings just yet.   Online Classes...

Nerf Battle!

The stage is set, the obstacles are prepared, and all we need is you – to battle! Join us for some Friday night fun and friendly fire at Ruccis! The night will be broken up into 45min game sessions for different age groups,  plus some fun side activities...

Term 4 FAQs

Hopefully you have now seen that Ruccis is opening back up for classes! Yay!! We’re running a Welcome Week from Monday 9 – Sunday 15 November so you can pop in and say hi with all casual classes for a week, then Term 4 starts on Monday 16 November, running...

Taking a look back … circus at home in 2020

It feels like years since the beginning of lockdown on March 23rd and yet somehow, we can’t believe it’s already October! Circus has looked very different this year but our Ruccis community has still found ways to connect, celebrate, learn and grow.   At-Home...

The Circus Cook Up Fundraiser

Coach Steve is also…Chef Steve? Join Steve and the Ruccis crew for a fundraiser with a twist! Steve has been working in kitchens for 35 years including ski seasons in Canada, summers on tropical islands, stints at the Hilton on Park Lane and The Savoy in London, and...